35th BCS Preli result

BCS 35th Preli result published by BPSC today. Total 20 thousands and 391 candidate are selected from preli written exam. The total candidate was 2 lakh, 44 thousands and 107 are took part in the Preli exam. To know BCS 3th Preli Result via Mobile Phone: PSC<>35<>Registration number  and send to 16222 number Example: PSC 35 […]

BCS 35

When will publish 35th BCS circular?

A bad news for the civil service job seekers! And the news is, 35th BCS examination circular has been delayed until the proposed BCS Examination Rule 2013 is formulated-reports UNB. According to the proposed BCS Examination Rules 2013, the BCS preliminary exam will be held for 200 marks instead of the existing 100 marks while the […]